Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Peace Corps Application and Review Process...

....aka the longest, most repetitious process I have ever been involved in.  And believe me, I have filled out my share of applications.  I can appreciate that the Peace Corps has many applicants and has developed a method of weeding out people that aren't truly interested by means of the application process.  I am just incredibly glad that I am almost done!

Tomorrow, I leave home to start my journey across the world.

There are no words.

Here is what I have been up to since the end of school: mainly, spending as much time with my family as I can!

I helped Mom, Dad, and Karie plant flowers for our back deck.

We all pitched in to help Tracey and Phil landscape their new yard.

I spoiled my nephew Clark as much as possible.

See, we are best friends now!



All of my sisters!

Congratulations to Tracey on her graduation from her MBA program, I am so glad I got to celebrate it with you!

And most of all, I got to enjoy all of the little moments like these, when my mom can make the funniest faces:

....And sorry, Mom.  I'm sure you won't appreciate me posting these (;

Everyone took a turn keeping the fire going while camping over memorial day weekend, and I endured lots of jokes about how I need to get used to cold weather.  I hope I am not sitting outside in frigid temperatures as long as we did last weekend though!  But our fire kept us warm, and packing my under armor was definitely a good idea.

Lounging around a campfire is my favorite camping activity!

I have loved spending time with my family, and I am both excited and nervous to leave.  There are many unknowns in the near future, but that is part of the draw of the Peace Corps!  I am looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.  
My next post will be from Mongolia!  See you soon, everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. How is Clark your nephew? -Molly
