Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life Update!

I am almost halfway through my second semester of grad school.  Time is flying by!  I have been focusing on eating lots of mexican food, and getting all of my PC paperwork completed correctly and on time.

I got mail:  Paul sent me this beautiful samovar from Russia!  I also got my W-2's from my mother, but that was less exciting.

I spent a weekend in Cleveland with my sister and her in-laws for the baptism of my nephew-in-law (the cutest 4-month-old ever!!) and I had a great time catching up with everyone.  It was my first experience traveling by Megabus, and it went really well!

Tracey and I after the christening!

Babies are awesome.  A Baby nephew is better, because I get to enjoy him and hand him off whenever he cries.

Cutest baby ever, and he enjoys Aunt Tracey's singing!

We visited the Cleveland Art Museum:  I thought this statue was very pretty, if a bit creepy.

In other news, I have become addicted to some new-to-me shows this semester.  The first was the BBC show Doctor Who, and I don't think I can call myself a geek any more since I had never watched this before.  It is so famous, I can't believe I just found it!  I highly recommend it to anyone that is interested in science fiction, space, british tv shows, or anyone looking for a witty and humorous show.

Just this week I started watching a youtube show called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (, a modern-day recreation of Pride and Prejudice, where Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bennett records video blogs about her life as a masters student, and all of the drama of the Victorian era translated to the 21st century.  I think the creators have done an amazing job portraying the story in a new way, while still taking enough creative license to make it a whole new experience.  I am so glad that one of my Facebook friends posted a link this week when I don't have as much homework, and not a busier time of the semester for me, because I couldn't stop watching!

I shamelessly borrowed this image from google images.  It shows the girls from left to right: Charlotte, Lizzie, Lydia, and Jane.  Kitty is an actual cat, and Mary is a cousin rather than a sister. 

I don't have too many plans coming up, except for actually following my training regimen for the half marathon in DC at the end of April.  I haven't been doing a very good job waking up to work out, so I need to think up a good motivating technique.  It's amazing how extra free time can make it more difficult to get things done!